eRevMax has completed 2-way integration with Greece based internet booking engine BookOnlineNow to boost real-time data.
booking engine
WIHP’s DirectPack & Trivago – Direct Bookings Imminent?
World Independent Hotels Promotion (WIHP) has just announced a sweet partnership with leading meta comparison site Trivago, one which could end up being a sort of strategic masterpiece. Testing their so called DirectPack ad platform with Trivago, WIHP’s test hotels achieved a 10x ROI with no sweat, according to WIHP’s Marketing experts. The implications of this news may not be readily obvious, we suggest you read on.
Digital Marketing System buuteeq Looking Up
News from budding marketing marvel buuteeq suggests their dital marketing system (DMS) for independent hotels is gaining momentum. Powering online reservartions online, on mobile, and via social media, the startup launched back in 2011 is now engaging hoteliers across 15 countries.
Availpro Expands Adding Horsepower for Hotels
France’s Availpro promises to add horsepower for small and medium sized hotel bookings. A recent expansion into the online travel market in Spain signals the company’s popularity with hoteliers in Europe. Just how many horses the company can provide depends a great deal on the end user as usual.
Move Over TripIt Movolo Is On the Move
A Latvian travel startup called Movolo may have hit on the future of online travel booking. Simplicity on top of trust will soon enable online travel companies to greatly simplify travel booking selections. With Google’s imminent entry into the online travel space, anyone should be asking; “How do we do this?” One answer may be to follow Movolo.