Sometimes online technology startups just engage as bad ideas. Since my days as a tech blogger, I have always been amazed at how even the most ludicrous startup notion can get investment to develop – well, nothing much. Cabforce may be the poster child for whimsical travel startup investment potential.
Nickels & Dimes & Billions: Ancillary Revenue Notes
An article just the other day at Travel Agent Central hints at just how deep the well of ancillary travel revenue may be. According to a cited Amadeus/IdeaWorks report, ancillary revenues could triple from $32 billion to over $100 billion on the heels of electronic miscellaneous documents (EMDs). But, the real story beneath transactions may be the […]
Concur Invests Confidence and Money in Yapta
In travel technology news today, Concur, an integrated travel and expense management company, announced a $5 million dollar investment in the Yapta airfare and hotel rate tracking service. Accordingly, Cloncur will now use Yapta exclusively for their TripIt Pro user accounts.
TripIt Cashes In Big Time
Travel startup TripIt cashes in for an estimated $120 million after only 5 years of development and customer building. Concur is said to have acquired the Web’s most utilized business travel planning tool for cash and stocks. As for the future of TripIt, Concur has not released a statement as of yet.
Move Over TripIt Movolo Is On the Move
A Latvian travel startup called Movolo may have hit on the future of online travel booking. Simplicity on top of trust will soon enable online travel companies to greatly simplify travel booking selections. With Google’s imminent entry into the online travel space, anyone should be asking; “How do we do this?” One answer may be to follow Movolo.