Please read our terms and guidelines before submitting any guest blog posts to us. By submitting blog posts for publication on Argophilia Travel News website you agree that your respect the terms set out below. If you do not agree to any of these terms, please don’t submit your posts.
By submitting blog posts to us, you agree that you are not entitled to, and don’t expect any financial compensation for the content that you provide.
As a guest blogger, you may not identify yourself as a representative or as an employee of Argophilia Travel News in any way.
You agree that any blog posts and photos you submit are your original content or properly licensed content that you have the express right and permission to license to us. You agree that the content you submit does not infringe or violate any intellectual property rights of any person or entity.
Submit proper content: we will reject any blog post or article that we find objectionable or inaccurate in any way. Do not submit any content that is defamatory, harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive.
You agree that you are not submitting posts that include links that are paid for in whole or in part by marketing firms.
You own the copyright to your submitted content, and you can post it anywhere else you wish but only after it appears on Argophilia Travel News website first. This means that the content you submit to us has to be original and unpublished. After the article appears first on our site, you can republish it on your website, social prophiles, and so on. However, you agree that by submitting any content Argophilia Travel News you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual license to use, publish and distribute (along with your name and due credit to you as an author) on our website, newsletters, RSS feeds, and social networks.
You agree that we must disclose information that we have about you (including your IP address and location, email, name and username), without notice to you, when legally required.
If you violate any of the terms above, or we receive an inquiry or complaint about your post, you agree that you are responsible, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Argophilia Travel News for all resulting claims and liabilities. These terms make up the entire agreement between you and us and cannot be changed unless we agree to it in writing.
Style Guidelines
This is the style guide we’ll use when reviewing and accepting your guest posts:
- We prefer posts that are at least 1500 words and up to 3000 words long.
- We only accept guests posts that deal with travel aspects related to Eastern Europe. Since this is a news site, we prefer posts that mention at least one upcoming event at the destination you write about.
- For titles, please capitalize the first letter of every word, except for articles and prepositions three letters or less.
- We request that you submit your guest post with a separate excerpt of no more than 160 characters.
- Every time you reference an article or a website or make a factual assertion of any kind, you should include a hyperlink. However, we do not accept hyperlinks with keywords. We reserve the right to edit your hyperlinks if they don’t comply with this rule.
- Images should be .jpg files, at least 1600 pixels wide, and must either be used under a Creative Commons license or be submitted by you in good faith, with express permission from the proprietor of the image for it to be republished. You must list the source/credit underneath the picture, or we will not publish it.
- You must submit your guest post with a short bio about you and a headshot.
Please remember: if you do not agree to any of these terms and guidelines, DO NOT submit your posts.
You can submit your content by emailing us at We only accept entries in .doc format.