BWH Hotel Group is rapidly expanding its footprint, adding several new properties in select regions worldwide.
US hotels
Why “NOT” to Believe Dreamy COVID-19 Recovery Predictions
The COVID-19 situation where travel and hospitality are concern, is largely understated by most experts who project a mid-term leveling out.
MCR Development Buys 10 Hilton & Marriott Hotels
MCR Development LLC announced on Friday their having acquired 1o Hilton and Marriott hotels from Skye Hospitality. With a total of 1,294 rooms, the portfolio is made up of primarily newer hotels, according to the company’s press.
Accor Hotels Rises and Falls with Europe for 2012
Accor Hotels, the largest hotel player in Europe, has announced guarded optimism for business going forward into 2012. According to their assessment, demand for rooms in Europe looks stable, while concerns over debt burdened South Europe put a damper on expectations.
Former Choice Franchise Port Allen Brands Magnuson
Magnuson Hotels has announced yet another complete rebranding of the Magnuson Hotel – Port Allen in Louisiana. The world’s largest independent hotel group, Magnuson hopes to improve the regional and national positioning of this 48 room accommodation on the outskirts of Baton Rouge.