Europe’s 2nd lockdown is already negatively impacting hotel performance. Data from STR and other researchers reveals October performance way down.
STR Releases Europe Hotel Performance for July 2020
A report from STR reveals Europe’s hotel industry’s improved but low performance, according to July 2020 data.
Few Still Hold Out Home for Rescuing Greece Tourism in 2020
The Greeks had high hopes that somehow officials and good luck would help rescue the 2020 tourism season. But, it isn’t happening so far.
Why “NOT” to Believe Dreamy COVID-19 Recovery Predictions
The COVID-19 situation where travel and hospitality are concern, is largely understated by most experts who project a mid-term leveling out.
Hospitality Beyond COVID-19: Early Advice from the Industry’s Best
Greece’s tourism sector is in big trouble over the COVID-19 pandemic. With more and more countries instituting level 3 travel advisories for Europe, the country’s early tourism season is badly affected. Just emerging from a horrendous economic crisis, Greece offers us a litmus test for worldwide destinations in crisis. What needs to happen now is […]