Triposo, the brainchild travel startup from ex-Googler’s Jon Tirsen and Douwe Osinga, just announced their new iOS app, the story arriving via TechCrunch. So, Argo Travel News decided to take a look under the hood of this fascinating new travel guide/suggestion engine.
Twigmore Puts People First in Travel
A new startup called Twigmore is aimed directly at putting people and their real impressions of “places” in the correct order. Unlike many “geocentric” travel tools, this new entry tries to arrange for local review wisdom for your trip planning. At least this seems like the gist.
Gowalla: Will It Be Google’s Next Announcement?
It was inevitable once Google announced they were to acquire Zagat, the race for lost applications to engage travel. TechCrunch already reported on Gowalla, so did GigaOm, PC Mag, anyone “interested” in Gowalla. Chief Executive Josh Williams, according to PC Magazine, the Gowalla site will “re-focus” primarily on travel now. The selling point being, in depth guides, travel stories, relating the experience of travel – all conveniently on Gowalla.
Argophilia Launches Citizen’s Travel Portal
Argophilia Travel Albania launches as the first of many regional travel directories aimed at introducing Eastern Europe’s hidden gems. Breathtaking places sit undiscovered by most of the world’s top travel businesses, a scattered lot of informative sites offer little or no value to travelers or local businesses, but Argo addresses the problem directly.
Google + and Really Refined Reviews – Coming Soon
The suggested Google Travel entity could be just around the corner. According to the news from Tnooz and Kevin May, Google unceremoniously yanked third party reviews from hotels on Google Maps and Google Places, a move May suggests puts Google’s review credibility down there with TripAdvisor’s. But what if?