The suggested Google Travel entity could be just around the corner. According to the news from Tnooz and Kevin May, Google unceremoniously yanked third party reviews from hotels on Google Maps and Google Places, a move May suggests puts Google’s review credibility down there with TripAdvisor’s. But what if?
Kevin May
Argo Travel Tech: iGottaGuide
A new startup called iGottaGuide promises to show travelers a simpler and better way to book great tour experiences. On further study, it appears the development has a ways to go.
Tnooz’s THack Uncovers Some Tech Greatness
Travel Technology Europe wrapped up earlier this week in London, and what was revealed is pretty significant for ongoing travel developments. Tnooz’s THack initiative in particular uncovered and showcased some extraordinary travel technology assets. Voice enabled travel search, advanced API use tools, and even superior advertising solutions were offered, among the many other cutting edge technologies.
Fear Google – Trust Expedia
Google’s detractors huddle in Phoenix at this year’s PhoCusWright Conference to try an lobby allies. Fearing Google’s ITA acquisition will forever change the online travel game, some top travel execs seem willing to do anything to block the Internet’s biggest player.