In news from Tirana, Albania has renewed a visa-free travel regime for nationals of three Gulf countries in order to boost tourism.
Albania Property Group Launches New Site
The Albania Property Group has just launched a brand new website geared to promote long term rentals in the capital of Tirana. According to the news release, Managing Director of Albania Property Group, Ilir Konomi, says the Tirana properties will be live within a month.
Argophilia Launches Citizen’s Travel Portal
Argophilia Travel Albania launches as the first of many regional travel directories aimed at introducing Eastern Europe’s hidden gems. Breathtaking places sit undiscovered by most of the world’s top travel businesses, a scattered lot of informative sites offer little or no value to travelers or local businesses, but Argo addresses the problem directly.
Albania’s National Day and UNWTO News
On Albania’s National Day news of last week’s UNWTO Conference provides a positive backdrop for one of Eastern Europe’s most interesting emerging economies. The culture and beauty of Albania and her neighbors have for too long been missed amid the world’s most visited places. The UNWTO findings and initiatives last week may lead Albania and her neighbors into a more cooperative and positive economic future.
Albania Opened Its Most Modern Car Showroom: “Auto City” Complex
“Auto City” was conceived on the most modern principles of exposure to the vehicle market and is worthy of any metropolis in Europe.