We use Fotolia for a great many post images here on Argophilia. So today, we thought we’d bring readers some of them most beautiful and interesting ones we’ve found. Please feel free to suggest your own from the image bank at Fotolia too.
European Vacation Rentals: Room At the Top
Key findings from PhoCusWright, presented by Tnooz, reveal the strength of Europe’s holiday rental segment. Despite the complexities of the European holiday rental market, the potential for revenue there is undeniable, PCW estimates the current in the report titled: PhoCusWright’s European Vacation Rental Marketplace: 2011-2013. €20 billion euro is one powerful incentive for studying rentals.
Nickels & Dimes & Billions: Ancillary Revenue Notes
An article just the other day at Travel Agent Central hints at just how deep the well of ancillary travel revenue may be. According to a cited Amadeus/IdeaWorks report, ancillary revenues could triple from $32 billion to over $100 billion on the heels of electronic miscellaneous documents (EMDs). But, the real story beneath transactions may be the […]
Hotel Lone on Croatia’s Adriatic – A Lone Design Wonder
A fantastic new hotel opens in Rovinj, the Hotel Lone is the latest gem situated along Croatia’s Adriatic shores. A bit of an architectural masterpiece, this collaboration between Croatian architectural firm 3LHD, and conceptual experts Studio Numen is nothing short of stunning.