With Super Bowl XLV headed to living rooms and sports bars everywhere this weekend, one highly anticipated aspect of that great event is, of course, the ever present commercials which often entertain more than the game itself. For one unique travel company, HomeAway, Super Bowl 45 is a chance to capture not only Super Bowl commercial fame, but a few new customers as well.
HomeAway has found a way to engage not only peeps who want a better way of spending vacations, but those who feel the need to “smush, smash, or catch” their boss, wife, friend, or even themselves in a custom made personal commercial – a version of their own to air from Superb Bowl 45 in Dallas. Taking a look at the fabulous images below, do you imagine this view from your hotel room? Or perhaps your home away from home on Kiawah Island?
We decided to produce our own variant of the HomeAway “detourism” commercial via the application on their website. Since we don’t really have a boss (more like everyone is our boss) we decided to pick on a web celebrity and pal, Pete Cashmore to serve as our Super Bowl commercial guinea pig – eerr…baby as it were. You can check out the mashup of Mashable’s mashed through the safety glass at HomeAway headquarters baby via this link – or you can click the screenshot below.
For those unfamiliar with HomeAway, the company approaches travel accommodations from a completely different angle. HomeAway connects homeowners and property managers of with travelers who are looking for “more” than even luxury hotel rooms. As anyone in the industry knows, the real value resides in people enjoying their time away from home while feeling at least as “at home” as possible at their destination. Think back to the time your parents rented that lake front or beach front house for two weeks of the Summer.
With more than 230,000 properties spread over 120 countries, HomeAway literally has something to offer in every corner of our world. Check out their offerings when you begin to plan your next family or romantic getaway. Meanwhile, roasting your boss, or a sport like Pete Cashmore up there is a fun distraction everyone will enjoy. And to console Pete? We leave off with the NFL cheerleaders from the official site. (We know Pete will appreciate the relief from the trauma)
Editor’s note: I took the liberty of including a photo from Kiawah Island Real Estate in South Carolina. The “plug” is out of respect for that agency with whom I am familiar. It is far better to rent or lease a vacation home, this is not just my view. And this real estate company offers the very finest homes for sale (and I believe they assist in renting) vacation properties.