News yesterday detailed an apparent buyout bid by French insurance company AXA, and the Chinese conglomerate Fosun International to control resort chain Club Med. According to reports the major shareholders offered something on the order of $719 million have been confirmed and supported by the Club Med management team.
online bookings
Travelport Adds NTV Italian High Speed Rail
Some good news from Travelport, clients will now be able to book rail travel on the much talked about Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori (NTV), the first Italian private high-speed railway. The strategic partnership tells of NTV distribution via Galileo-connected travel agencies in Italy and around the world.
Travel Agents and the Status Quo of Extinction
President Obama’s projection about travel agents, and the potential for them becoming obscolete brought on a firestorm of criticism from who else? The ASTA of course. The American Society of Travel Agents took great offense and injury at comments that. Comments that. Were effectively accurate, that’s what.
Online Travel Warfare To End Soon
The war in online travel over basically who gets what & when continues this week with Delta Airlines snatching seats from Rick Seaney’s FareCompare, American Airlines going hog wild trying to engage on their own, and Google outlining (see Matt Cutts video below) how they can manually crucify websites for SPAM. Meanwhile travelers just want some price break justice.