You’re out there on the web. Surfing about, either with or without your familiar pattern. A digital explorer, your own set of convictions about you, sort of like a cloak of magical powers – then a fine reality invades the senses. A sense of familiarity, of exquisite memory returning, into a consciousness clouded a bit by too much information. Funny how a tweet can transport one – 140 characters or less can become a conduit to fun, discovery, and in the case of the Starwood’s Sheraton Park Tower in London, rediscovery.
A moment ago…
Well, let me explain. You see we here at Pamil Visions and our sister companies are engaged helping in the creation of something extraordinary. The launch of a wholly new re-visitation upon the idea of a free market for a commodity, a hotel room bed, but much, much more – something like a return to that mint on your crisp pillow. The recent hotel industry moves online; the launch of Roomkey, the upcoming one by Tom Magnuson, CEO of the world’s largest independent group, even the questioning of TripAdvisor’s review system and/or Google Hotel Finder, have tended to detract from many industry player’s core focus – what’s wonderful in hospitality – on and off the web, in and out of even our social networking world.
Case in point, read on…
The social media manager for Starwood’s Sheraton Park Tower in London tweeted a video to me the other day, no big deal really, we cover everyone one from Hilton to the last Bed & Breakfast on Earth, except…
Except, I failed to get the link. Today, in answer to my tweet expressing this, the same SM manager kindly resent – and it was then my own love affair with exquisite hotels, places, people, and things. The video below from the Sheraton Park Tower is a bit of an ethereal veil, at once obscuring tantalizingly what is behind it, and at the same time provoking wonder, interest…. you watch, and see…
Wasn’t that exactly the right amount of corporate dogma, business tailoring, precisely enough high heeled leg – just at the right time, perfectly inserted starched shirts, and a transportive journey of the mind – weren’t you conveyed along with that London traffic, didn’t you and your lover ride the Ferris wheel? Didn’t you long to take her shopping at Harods? Harvey Hichols? Could you taste the world’s best fish at One-O-One? Finally, did the scented bath oils, rose petals, and candles do anything at all for you? Cold blooded Dracula himself would be stirred.
The Sheraton Park Tower’s own site lingo, not unlike a hundred other luxury hotel texts, uses the words fine, stylish, iconic, designer, boutiques, and even the Harvey Nichols brand generously. Handcrafted furniture and marble bathrooms, panoramic views of Knightsbridge, Big Ben, and so on, this Starwood hotel shines content wise, like Hilton and some others, only somehow differently. Maybe my father and I staying at Sheraton on our travels way back when intersects here? Regardless, there’s not disputing the style and quality of this fine hotel.
For more exploring and discovery of the Sheraton Park Tower, please visit the Facebook pages here. You’ll undoubtedly find a lot to like too. If there’s a more significant online display of excellence hospitality wise in London, I have yet to find it. Perhaps you’ll share your ethereal hotelier bliss with us? Oh, and no, Starwood is not paying me, I just like what I like, just like you. We’re in the hospitality industry, being nice is what that’s all about, right?
Thanks for being, always, so nice Starwood, that’s what I think of your new video – and a bit more than an RT.