For travel and tourism engaged companies, there’s perhaps no more crucial component of operations than communications. And not just in a company’s native language. ComTranslations, a rapidly growing international translation company, has just been signed by World Independent Hotels Promotion (WIHP), another rising star in the tourism sector.
According to the news, WIHP has retained ComTranslations as one of their key content providers of translated content. With support for some 140 different languages, ComTranslations offers a complete set of localization and translation services including; sworn translation service, transcription, interpretation, website and larger scale project translation, and coming up social media services. As for WIHP Hotels, their Convert aspect has been well publicized, as has their more recent TripAdvisor budgetary offering. WIHP offer their own suite of solutions for hoteliers, what amounts to a perfect skillset matchup with CT. Clement Landes, Production Director at WIHP, offered this via their PRWeb release:
“We chose to work with ComTranslations because of the firm’s demonstrated ability to provide quality translations in an exacting and timely manner. More than this, ComTranslations translators are native to each target country, they understand local culture and public perceptions, and will help us leverage our influence to build greater appeal to travelers for the hotels we represent.”
For more information about WIHP Hotels, the reader can visit their website via the above link. Alternatively, WIHP maintains many social media profiles including this g+ one. ComTranslations has several International offices, but the reader can connect via their website or on Facebook etc.