According to the President of the Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agents, Bayko Baikov, Bulgaria has seen a 20% decline in western European bookings. According to Baikov, tourists form Germany, Britain, and Scandinavia just aren’t aiming to travel to the country this Spring.
Ukraine unrest
Weight of Ukraine Unrest, Sanctions, Threaten EU Economies
The Ukraine unrest unfolding, US and NATO versus Russia challenges and sanctions, threaten to unravel any hope of continued EU economic recovery. This, according to an ITAR-TASS report, must be weighed against European Commission contentions. Whatever the case for western EU nations, tourism and other sectors in eastern Europe will certainly be stifled.
Germany’s Steinmeier Warns of War in Ukraine
The situation in Ukraine has the world on pins and needles as chaos prevails almost nationwide there. Germany’s Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier has gone so far as to warn that the crisis may turn into war in eastern Europe.