When Russia’s influence on the Ukraine government of Viktor Yanukovych got challenged by a kind of rampaging western hegemony, all Europe should have studied more closely these relationships. Now, over a year in, the 2015 summer tourist season will probably be a disaster. Regardless of who we lay the blame on for the current west-east detente disaster, […]
Russia sanctions
Europe Tourism Recovery Goes Into Shock
If foreign relations and anti-terror tactics across Europe get any worse, tourism dependent businesses already hit by west versus Russia tensions could finally go belly up. All across the EU soldiers and other security personnel are fanning out in a frantic hunt for suspected radicals. However real or perceived Jihadists or other extremists may be, the danger posed to Europe’s economy. That “recovery” Europe was promised, it’s clear it’s not happening now.
Russian Railways denies any restrictions on employee travel
News sources this week suggest Russian Railways and some other Russian state run companies may have imposed bans on foreign travel. According to the news, companies in Russia hit by western sanctions allegedly dissuaded employees from visiting countries outside Russia.
Estonia Travel: Feeling the Gut Punch of Sanctions
A poll taken last month in Estonia reveals the serious impact the Russia sanctions are having on tourism businesses there. According to the poll, the counter sanctions by Russia’s Putin have affected one in five businesses there. Russian tourists represent a big percentage of Estonia travelers, and many fear increased tensions will gut the travel trade there.
EU Sanctions Can’t Keep Aeroflot’s Budget Airline Down
Apparently western sanctions can’t keep a Russian airline giant down. Aeroflot’s being forced to ground fledgling budget airline Dobrolyot over EU sanctions disrupting aircraft leases may turn out to be a blessing in disguise for Russia’s biggest airline.