Russian billionaire Vladimir Potanin’s Interros Holding and its partner Vasta Discovery will invest $1 billion in a new Sochi resort.
Sochi Olympics
Attending Sochi Winter Olympics? How Dangerous Are We Talking?
Only 11 days left till the XXII Olympic Winter Games begin in Sochi, Russia, and travelers must be concerned over security. But just how concerned should they be?
City of Sochi Opens Spring with Labor Day Festivities
News from Sochi, Russia tells of the people there kicking off a festival starting the official Spring Labor Day festivities. Held outside the city’s Winter Theater, the fest symbolizes renewed spirit of this famous Russian resort town.
Russian Officials Tidy Up Illegal Gambling Stragglers
News from Sochi, Russia tells of officials there continuing a rather massive cleanup of illegal activities in the region. The closing of some 100 plus illegal gambling halls falls in line with stiffened International Olympic Committee (IOC) rules.
Sochi 2014 Update: Security, Security, Security
News from Sochi, Russian Railways said yesterday the introduction of additional security safeguards will be placed at entrances to some 32 train stations across Russia in anticipation of the Olympics.