Officials at Greece’s National Public Health Organization (EODY) confirmed 8,083 coronavirus infections in the last 24 hours, on Tuesday.
Santorini tourism
Metaxa Hospitality Group Fumbles Sustainable Hospitality Message
Andreas Metaxas is rebranding his hotels business as game changing sustainable. But, Greek hoteliers seem confused about definitions.
Ryanair Adds Quarantine-Free Vacation Deals for Crete & Santorini
Ryanair has is now offering UK travelers jet holidays without the risk of quarantine on their return home.
Is the Greece Tourism Ministery Behind Donkeys On Sustainability?
Greece tourism ministry says sustainable tourism is a Non-negotiable priority. But, are Greece’s officials negotiating growth?
Rebecca Skevaki Gives Black & White On Overtourism On Santorini
Argophilia Travel News talks with one of Greece’s most influential tour executives, Rebecca Skevaki about overtourism on Santorini.