World renowned for her rich cultural heritage, ornate cathedrals and subtropical beaches, Russia is a favored attraction for many people from India. News today of a new visa-regime to assist travelers via an e-visa program promises even more popularity.
India Cracks Down on Outdoor Defecation
India isn’t exactly known as being one of the world’s cleanliest travel destinations. Visitors are routinely warned to be careful about eating street food and to only drink bottled water, while many of the streets and rivers in its biggest cities are literally overflowing with garbage.
Chiranjeevi Returns to Political Arena as India’s Tourism Minister
India is getting itself a new Minister of Tourism in the shape of legendary Bollywood actor-cum-politician Chiranjeevi, who returns following almost two years in the political wilderness.
Indian Ocean Tsunami Watch
A tsunami watch has gone into effect for the entire Indian Ocean after a massive magnitude 8.7 earthquake occurred 270 miles Southwest of Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued the tsunami warning at 0845 local time, with predicted landing times for various regions should a tsunami occur.
Which Nations Are the Biggest Animal Lovers?
The UK was buoyed last week by the arrival of two very cuddly and very welcome visitors. Tian Tian and Yang Guang, two giant Pandas arrived on a flight from China on the 4th of December, ready for a new life in Edinburgh zoo, Scotland. The fanfare around the arrival of these two highly fashionable additions to the zoos repertoire was immense, with news channels closely following their ceremonious delivery, while huge crowds are expected in the Scottish capital upon the grand unveiling.