The Hellenic Chamber of Hotels (HCH) and the Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) signed a memorandum of understanding.
green hotels
World Legacy Awards Call for Entries Announced
The World Legacy Awards Call for Entries was announced yesterday. In a collaboration in between National Geographic and ITB Berlin, the awards will will showcase the leading travel and tourism companies, organizations and destinations.
VeggieHotels Gets the Healthy Nod
Holy Tomato, VeggieHotels, a site launched back in 2011, helps healthy vegetarians hook up with some 500-plus bed and breakfasts, hotels, spas and conference centers across 60 countries. Listing everything from five star Bali digs to bed and breakfast stays from Austin, Texas to Zanzibar (okay, maybe not that far), the VeggieHotels membership makes a lot of sense for those travelers so inclined. Getting the nod for covering the niche, VeggieHotels needs some more inventory.
Prague Hotel Takes Hospitality To Next Level
A new type of hotel is emerging. Accomodations where renewable energy and cutting edge techology afford not only value for the guest, but people in general. Impact-Corti Company’s new Mosaic House in Prague is an example of taking Eco-friendly hospitality to the next level.