Minoan Lines announced recently that all of its staff has been vaccinated against the coronavirus (Covid-19). In addition, the passenger line adopted strict precautionary measures to protect passengers.
According to the news from GTP, the management at Minoan Lines created a special plan to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and has now seen to it that 100 percent of company staff are immunized. Minoan Lines CEO Antonis Maniadakis was quoted:
“One hundred percent of our employees in our central offices and port agencies have completed at least the first dose of the vaccine. During these unprecedented circumstances, it is important for all of us to show a high sense of responsibility since collective immunity is the only way to stop the pandemic.”
Also, the company’s management has put in use an advanced air purification and filtration systems on board its ferries to ensure: the frequent natural ventilation of all cabins after cleaning for at least one hour before new passengers arrive; the frequent natural ventilation of all public areas during the journey; and the continuous operation of artificial ventilation in all areas of the ship with the supply of 100 percent fresh air. All catamaran vehicles have also had installed HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters, as well.
The passenger line has received RINA’s Biosafety Trust Certification for the measures it has adopted to prevent and control the spread of infections in public areas.
Minoan Lines has also announced offering a 50 percent discount on ferry tickets of vaccinated persons aged between 18-25 who hold the Freedom Pass – Greece’s incentive program – until September 30.