30 October 2013, Czech Republic – Inspiration, Education and Networking – under this motto today in Prague starts the 2nd Edition of the most important East European event in the hospitality industry: Hospitality E-Commerce & Revenue Management Conference, organized by Dotcomhotel.eu.
Aimed at independent hotel owners, the dotcomhotel Hospitality E-Commerce & Revenue Management Conference will gather and demonstrate the best insights from the most important areas of hospitality, e-commerce and revenue management. With workshops, focused on learning and exchanging information and experience, the Conference will show attendees how to manage effectively marketing strategies.
After the success of the Budapest edition, held in May 2013, Dotcomhotel decided to expand this event to Prague and Warsaw. As for this event, in all some 100 delegates from 4 countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and United Kingdom) are attending this Prague event at Kongres U Hajku.
“This Conference is my passion and I am proud of all of you, who come to learn and speak here” – declared Radka Telykova – dotcomhotel Chief Executive Officer.
Speakers from all over Europe such as; Daniele di Bella – Tripadvisor, Martin Soler – WIHP, and Daniel Zelling – Opensmile, these and others will share their experiences and knowledge on revenue management, hospitality e-commerce, website design, booking engines, brand reputation marketing and social media marketing.
The first day of the event, October 30, will host the conference and hotel independent owners will have the chance to receive direct insights and advice from these and other experts.
“An informal cocktail – Hospitality Networking Lounge – available for delegates and non-delegates also, will host this evening 40 delegates, already, in the K+K Central Hotel – Prague”, explained Dotcomhotel’s Telykova.
The second day of the Conference, October 31st, is dedicated to workshops: 8 workshops, 2 held in Czech language and a Tripadvisor seminar in the end of the conference, where each participant will receive a Tripadvisor certificate.
Finally, for those hospitality professionals unable to attend in Prague, those interested are welcome to the Warsaw event at the end of November.
For more information on the conference agenda, please check http://prague.dotcomhotel.eu/conference-seminar-agenda.
About dotcomhotel Hospitality E-Commerce & Revenue Management Conference:
dotcomhotel conference is organized by Smart H.E.R.O (Hospitality Experts Revenue Optimization), which offers hotel consulting and expert hospitality advisory services in the following core areas: sales & marketing, revenue & channel management and e-commerce.