The most recent news of Greece’s delta coronavirus woes is just not good. According an assessment by Nikos Tzanakis, an expert in respiratory disease and vice president of the Hellenic Thoracic Society, as many as 50,000 students could be infected this autumn.
A report from National Herald reveals a Mega TV segment where Tzanakis warned that as many as 200,000 children in the 12-18 year old demographic could be exposed to the new COVID strains.
“According to conservative estimates, 25 percent, that is approximately 30,000 to 50,000 children, will be infected.”
In previous news, the New Democracy government has said that if half of any school is infected it would be closed. The went on to predict that these numbers mean that between 300 and 500 kids would be hospitalized. He also urged parents to get their kids vaccinated, and criticized the so-called “anti-vaxxers.”
Tzanakis made a point of the fact that the chances of serious complications from vaccination are one in 500,000. Many skeptics believe the vaccines aren’t safe or effective or are part of an international conspiracy to alter their DNA and control their minds.
Despite students, staff, and teachers being in daily constant contact – although health restrictions such as staying apart and wearing masks are allegedly required – they are not being forced to be inoculated yet even with the dangers of the delta variant.