You don’t have to be a rabid conspiracy theorist to imagine calamity. For many people in the world, living today, calamity has been a fact of life. Just look at Fukushima residents, Japan as a whole, or dozens more places anyone could name. Nothing is more horrifying, and somehow interesting too, as the dynamic of human catastrophe. Maybe this fact is because we are often at our very best during such times.
The infographic below is not intended to be some kind of alarmist hyped fear mongering. MPHonline had it made to be informative, and yes, as a marketing tool too. That said, looking at the info within, can we learn a lot more about public health, or….
Source: MPH Online
A little announcement from the World Health Organization seems appropriate here. Each year, millions and millions in impoverished or limited countries recieve life-saving medications via international procurement agencies like UNICEF, UNFPA, and the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria. WHO’s Prequalification of Medicines Programme helps ensure that those medicines meet International standards. Where quality, safety and efficacy are concerned, and given what you learned in the infographic above, there’s no room for error on the personal level, or on the level of us as humankind.
We encourage readers to learn more about the world we live in, be it Eastern Europe, or their own back yard. Also, tell us your opinions on pandemic and other dangers we face, that’s why we are here.
The World Health Assembly image top – courtesy WHO media center.