The story of Terroir by Alexandra Manousakis, of Crete and the legacy her father and other winemakers seek to perpetuate.
world wines
How to Taste Wine Like A Pro
First things first – tasting conditions are very crucial to the taste testing experience of a recently uncorked bottle of wine. You need to be in an environment where there are almost no outside conditions (ie food cooking, perfume, or any outside smells) that could alter your senses. Unexpected things like dish washer soap or having an incorrect glass can also change the scent of a wine so ensure that you properly clean your glass prior to beginning. To ensure that you are using the correct type of wine glass be sure to review the Glassware & Serving page on Have Fine Wine.
Twitter’s Top 10 Wine Gurus with Pictures
For travelers to any part of the world, especially those who enjoy the fruits of the vine, connecting with the world of Twitter experts can only be a plus. To that end we compiled the following list of the best wine experts on Twitter, and those who make the best use of images there.
Croatian Wine and Other Secrets: For You
Travel wonders, they’re all about us. At Argo Travel News we’ve also found, gems are to an extent everywhere you seek too. I decided to open an opt-in mail this morning, exploring avenues not otherwise taken advantage of, etc. The ensuing discovery was perfect, a Croatian winemaker of excellence.
Dalmatia’s Wines Finally Get Their Due
Croatia’s Dubrovnik-Neretva County may soon appear on the map of Europe’s finest wine regions. Long an historically significant wine region, Dalmatia has perhaps been overlooked as a prime region by some experts. However unnoticed the area has been, inclusion onto Europe’s wine destination maps will certainly benefit the superb wine makers of Croatia.