In 2021, before the economy of Europe took a nosedive, Cyprus decision makers made the wise choice to shift market focus. Will it be enough?
EU tourism
EU Digital COVID Certificate and Vaccine Rollouts Spur Travel Sentiment
As Europe opens after long lockdowns, interest in travel has risen sharply because of vaccine rollouts and the Digital COVID Certificate.
Greece’s Harry Theoharis Proposes EU Measures for the 2021 Season
Greek Tourism Μinister Harry Theoharis suggests to European Commissioner Thierry Breton short and long-term measures for a tourism reboot.
Theoharis Says Brits Can Visit Greece Regardless of Vaccination Status
Greece’s Tourism Minister Theoharis says British nationals will be allowed into Greece during the summer without vaccine.
EU Travel Commission Expects Sound Growth for Chinese Travel to Europe
Positive indicators mirror outbound travel growth forecasts around the celebration of the Chinese New Year, one of the key periods when Chinese take holidays. According to the latest results of the Long-Haul Travel Sentiment Survey and Index Chinese willingness to travel overseas remains positive in the first months of 2018.