Greek officials and energy conglomerates plan to transform Crete Island into an energy machine for Germany and other EU nations.
Crete Makes 2022 Top 5 Tripadvisor “Best of the Best” List
Crete Island is among the top 5 Best Destinations in the world, according to Tripadvisor’s 2022 report.
Greece Tourism Minister in Heraklion Discussing Season So Far
Greece Tourism Minister Vassilis Kikilias praised Heraklion as a fine example of cooperation between tourism operators and local authorities.
A Guide for Dining in Heraklion While You’re On Crete
Heraklion, Crete’s biggest city and Greece’s fifth largest, holds many fascinating touristic treasures including some amazing restaurants.
Peskesi Restaurant Could Be Crete’s Best?
Don’t you just hate it when friends recommend a restaurant and the food and/or service turns out to be horrible? How about the feeling when those recommendations turn out to be spot on, how does that work for you? Well, a Facebook recommendations test we did the other day sent us to Peskesi Restaurant, which nearly […]