There are already more than 8000 km of new or reconstructed roads in rural areas, many of them also connecting sites of great tourist interest.
Ukraine Fulfilling Euro 2012 Promises
With Euro 2012 just around the corner Ukraine’s leaders have reshuffled the administrative deck and come out with new vigor to make the country a vision for visitors. New tourism initiative, infrastructure improvements, and online travel assistance and portals should help make 2012 a huge success for the country. That is if everything can be pulled off in a year. President Viktor Yanukovich seems determined to make it so.
Why Slovakia Emerges As Investment Mecca
Slovakia, Europe’s most centrally located and one of the world’s fastest growing countries just may be the real estate investment Mecca of 2011. Vast governmental infrastructure projects, a revamping of many dated industries, and an already vibrant economy spell profit. Will Slovakia’s boom real estate market return along with other economic recovery? Why not?