JuiceCane is a mobile, scalable power can that fuels the tech toys travelers need so much. With one single JuiceCan you can recharge an iPhone three times or use it to juice up an iPad twice. This gadget is extremely useful when there is no power outlet in sight or when you’ve forgotten to pack all the adapters you need to plug in your mobile devices when you travel from one country to another.
Best iPhone Apps for Cruisers
Cruising the open ocean on a huge and luxurious ship that sports everything from a full dinner theater to an on-deck pool is the relaxing vacation method of choice for many people all over the world; the real trick is learning how to make the most of your experience, both on the ship and off.
How to Find the Loch Ness Monster
Is Nessie out there – or was she? To find out, you’re going to need a hardy seafaring crew, some waterproof technology and a rather large fishing rod…