With the FIFA World Cup hitting Rio Brazil has become the stage where the world gathers to play out maybe the greatest game in all sport. Soccer (football) carries with it, in these championships, the hopes, and vivid colorful dreams of billions of fans.
Brazil travel
Viva Brazil! A Guide to the 2014 FIFA World Cup
One country, 12 host cities and 3.3 million tickets. The 2014 FIFA World Cup is from June 12 to July 13 in Brazil, and it’s guaranteed to be festive to the extreme. In preparation, Brazil is currently doing renovations in 13 airports and reworking the infrastructure of 12 cities.
Britain Travelers Hit the BRICS: What to Expect Next
According to the World Travel Market (WTM) industry report for 2012, the emerging markets of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are set to finally emerge as the regions with the most growth potential. The BRICs are now seen as the biggest opportunities for growth this and next year.