A report says passenger volumes are not correlated to changes in Covid-19 infection rates in Europe. Our editor debunks this contention.
air traffic
The ICAO Forecasts 1.5 Billion Fewer International Air Travellers in 2020
The ICAO has released its first complete 2020 air passenger forecast revealing 1.5 billion fewer fliers in 2020.
IATA Estimates Losses from COVID-19 May Soar to $113 Billion
IATA now sees 2020 global revenue losses for passenger business at between $63 billion and $113 billion. There are no figures for cargo.
Lufthansa pilots threaten further action
Lufthansa pilots have given notice they may yet take further action against the airline’s failed bid to end their strike. The court in Frankfurt ruled yesterday in favor of the pilots, saying there were no legal grounds for Lufthansa’s action.
Airberlin May Passengers Up
For May 2014, airberlin ferried a total of 2,971,840 passengers to destinations worldwide. The increase, of +0.5 percent over the same period of 2013, represented equaled a high capacity utilization rate of 79.5 percent. Seat miles/kilometers increased, as did other comparative figures.