Chances are if you are reading this in English, or any language other than Finnish, Eastern Finland is largely a mystery to you. Even more mysterious, and beautiful too, the town of Kerimäki is a curiosity of inestimable value. News of people outside Finland becoming land owners is, about as magical as the place itself today. For the low, low price of $499, you too can be a proud land baron of Kerimäki.
Before you write this story off though, please weigh the benefits. Each property buyer receives a package of items including: a beautiful share certificate, a land sample of the plot, information about Kerilandia, and official papers to prove legal ownership.
The Mayer of Kerimäki, Kari Rannanpiha, says; “It sounds like an exciting and innovative initiative. We have many valuable attractions in the region, so new landowners are warmly welcome.” Land manager of Kerilandia Mikko Nurminen called the opportunity; “…one of the most unusual and exciting opportunities in the whole world!” This owning to the uniqueness of the land, as well as the novel idea of giving a part of Finland as a gift. Imagine that actually; “Happy Birthday, you are the proud owner of a piece of Finland in the far frozen North.” This, rather than; “Here’s this year’s pair of sox and a necktie.”
On the down side of this announcement, nowhere on the official site does it actually say how much of Finland your $499 buys, but it is something less than the total area of the estate, which seems to be 2060 m2. Also, as you can tell from the images on the site, someone in Kerilandia is fascinated with boulders and such, or either the plots are solid rock primarily.
Finland lake: Courtesy ugibugi –