Let’s face it, no matter how much or often you surf the web searching for the best of the best, there’s always something really nice that escapes your attention. Researching the travel niche this morning we ran across a fascinating adventure tour business Adventure North Wales, via Twitter no less. Read on and learn a bit about Wales, and one company adventurous enough to cater to a lesser known niche.
It’s still a big, big, big world out here. This is the message any traveler gets no matter what their destination or inclination. Where adventure tours go, there’s a plethora of companies out there taking in everything from the Andes to Death Valley, undersea wonders to around the world Indiana Jones stuff, but interestingly no so many plunder the outdoor wonders of Wales in the UK. I am here to tell you, or reccommend to you let’s just say, a place I am sure not many of you have even considered for vacationing. What’s more, this not so little “unsung” company affords easy to see value. Let’s look at this lovely part of the UK and a cool company you never heard of.
Okay, let’s get the negatives out of the way for Adventure North Wales off the bat here. I hate their landing page. The image below shows why. Cluttered, ambiguous, and most importantly noneffective at grabbing the right attention, the landing here reflects little or nothing of the wonders beneath, Wales and the surrounding human and natural wonder. That said, a horrible landing can be devastating, but the company will have to pay our consulting fees to find out how. :) Onward to the good stuff.
After the developers redesign this landing, and once you guys learn what the company has to offer, discovering exciting things in Wales and about will come very naturally for many more people I am sure. Clay pigeon shooting to white water rafting at such places with names like Graveyard and Donkey’s Kick (see image below courtesy Adventure Facebook) – guided instructional and a myriad of packages are offered by ANW. High adventure and adrenline, or secluded and romantic walks on another unsung gem – the Isle of Anglesey – there’s so much undiscovered beauty out there in the UK.
When you think of Wales, what images come to mind? If you are honest, you will admit that Scotland, London, even Ireland bring to mind more vivid imagery. Outside the UK most people vision of outdoor majesty and adventure tourism extends to the Cliffs of Dover, camping out near Stonehenge, or sitting on a park bench in central London. Ireland’s green world is in fact, just across the Irish Sea – Wales is, after all an extension of all things British Isles too. Check out kite surfing off the Isle of Anglesey (below).
Then, when you are beat to pieces by the elements, you’ve had all the adventure you can handle for a day, Adventure North Wales puts you up at legendary accommodations like The Quay Hotel & Spa shown in the image at bottom (unless of course you are sewn to your tent). So there you have it, part and parcel how come I was so excited to bring this lesser known UK travel company to your attention. Okay, I will admit too, I wanted to get their attention. You see, despite their value, it appears their social media listening ear is not so finely tuned. ;) Hello!
Ah, such are the joys of being editor of a travel news site. Surprises can abound if one only looks for them. For more information about what this company offers, or to see what other wondrous things await in Wales, please check out the company brochure here, or phone at el: 0870 365 4265
Email: info@adventure-northwales.com. Are you ready for a real adventure apart from your normal outdoors routine? Check out Wales.
For info on the Isle of Anglesey, click the official site here. Plus, be sure and check out the North Wales Borderlands site too. We will have more great pics and travel deals to Wales later on this month, so stay tuned.
Breakfast image courtesy The Quay’s Facebook.