Last week leading travel agency ATPI was awarded for the outstanding performance in Greece for 2017. According to the news, the firm was Condor Airlines leading producer.
Tourism Minister Sees Rise in Bookings to Greece for 2018
Bookings to Greece for the 2018 season are seeing an impressive increase compared to last year, Tourism Minister Elena Kountoura said on Friday.
Tour Operators Anticipate “Sunshine Saturday 2018”
According to reports from Thomas Cook and TUI, International tour operators and travel agents are preparing for this year’s “Sunshine Saturday”, which is one of the busiest booking holidays.
Turkey Will Host 38 Million Tourists in 2017
According to news from the Association of Travel Agencies (TURSAB), Turkey expects to greet more than 38 million tourists this year. The Chairman of the association, Basaran Ulusoy, also assured reporters of Turkey’s readiness for the summer season to begin.
Spain is Top Destination for Russian Tourists
According to the press service of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR), Spain has become the most popular destination for Russian travelers. Outbound Russian tourist flows are rebounding, especially for vacation packages. Tour operators note that most Russians vacationers prefer economizing on excursions.