Hephaestion storm cold, gales, rain, and snow blanket much of Greece as Epiphany celebrations dampened on Crete and other islands.
Epiphany 2018 from Crete to Florida
This year’s Epiphany celebration here on Crete, across Greece, and around the world was a joyous and colorful event across seasides and lakeside areas anywhere Orthodox Christians live.
A Window Into the Russian Soul: An Epiphany 2017
“Where are we going to?” I asked my brother this morning, as he was driving in an unknown direction with a cheeky grin on his face. When no reply seemed imminent I asked; “Are you going to tell me?” Finally his response was; “To wash off our sins in the Volga”.
Winter in Russia: What the Simple Folk Do
For most people who live very far west of the Dnieper River, Russians are an enigma.