The unveiling of the dynamic new addition to the internet travel community was announced today, as the portal finally went live. EuropeTravel is a unique social network community geared towards European travel, with the stated goal of bringing together travel companies, tour operators and travelers to engage in information sharing for all 55 European nations.

The new socially interactive EuropeTravel portal
Thanks to its groundbreaking new interactive design, EuropeTravel promises to offer excellent value for both the travel industry and travelers themselves. The site allows users to create a customized profile, share information, photos and videos, and take part in online discussions about their European travel experiences. Founder and developer, noted travel author Brian Johnson lives and works in Switzerland, but has obviously put a wealth of travel experience into the content on this new site. We particularly like the videos, even if there are ads there. This is the next real step in online travel, run length demonstrative of places and people.
Not only is EuropeTravel an excellent way for travelers to discuss their favourite European destinations, share information and reviews, it’s also a fantastic tool for exploring unknown new destinations and discovering promotions and discounts as well.
For travel-related businesses, EuropeTravel provides numerous benefits. Holiday resorts and attractions will find a wealth of avenues for promoting themselves, such as creating classified listings on which they can advertise special offers. They can also, just like travelers, make profiles, upload videos and photos and list information about attractions and amenities, completely free of charge.
One of the key advantages of EuropeTravel is that it allows businesses to engage in direct marketing with travelers, taking their advertising campaigns to new heights. Businesses will be able to target their marketing drives, based on the interests of EuropaTravel users, allowing them to engage with only those people who are likely to responmd to their offers, a strategy that promises excellent conversion rates when compared with other marketing tactics.
You can discover more about the excellent opportunities at EuropeTravel by visiting their website, or else you can follow them on Twitter for more news and updates @europetravelnet.