For locals and visitors to Athens in search of the ideal open-air cinema experience, “All the world’s a screen” offers screenings of Greek films with English subtitles.
“All the world’s a screen” delivers the world of cinema’s best for the international community in Athens. Located at the Filmcenter Cine Trianon, a historic arthouse cinema located in the heart of downtown, the cinema shows classic masterpieces and contemporary movies of the Greek cinema. Supported by the Greek Ministry of Culture, “All the world’s a screen” helps viewers to acquaint yourself with the Greek film production at the heart of Athens during August and September.
Admission is free, but private screenings are also available upon request.
This year’s project debuts with the academic documentary “Medea…Louder than my thoughts” by the director Nikos Grammatikos. This is a cinematic adventure based on Euripides’ tragedy of the same name. It takes place in the streets of modern Athens and takes the form of an exciting, almost police investigation, in which a detective is none other than the director himself.
The screenings will continue with the film “Mourning Rock”, the legendary documentary about Eleusina by Filippos Koutsaftis.
For more info, please visit the official site of “All the world’s a screen” project.
For over 57 years, the Filmcenter Cine Trianon, a historic arthouse cinema located in the heart of downtown Athens, has kept beauty and artistic passion alive. Since 1960, with the premiere of Jules Dassin’s Academy Award winning film Never on Sunday, the Trianon has been one of the most active participants not only in movie going culture in the city, but also in its artistic and cultural life.