Bulgaria continues to draw tourists to its winter resorts using low prices as a key element. Hotels offer a range of cut-price deals in order to be attractive in this time of the year. It seems that there aren’t as many visitors as hoteliers would want so they hope that they will get tourists’ interest […]
Winter resorts
Romania’s Top Skiing Destinations
A guide to Romania’s best skiing destinations from the trendy resorts of Prahova Valley to Bucovina and Maramures’ picturesque alpine villages.
Taos Ski Valley Leverages VacationRoost for Vacationers
In resort news, Taos Ski Valley has hired VacationRoost to enlighten and empower their reservation services by updating and integrating their systems to provide customers with better support and more options. The platform will help travelers better plan where they stay, their airline accommodations, and help with their rentals and etc., according to the news.