Roomkey. If there were ever a more appropriate name for a hotel booking channel, a more symbolically significant potential for branding, that would have to be perfection. actually does have that possibility. But, like all great ideas and initiatives, the big time hoteliers’ 3rd interjection of intelligent engagement, has it’s problems too. There’s room for lots of niche products in travel, but is Roomkey an escape hatch or a marketing channel? And if exit marketing is introduced, even niche traffic and conversions could be scared away.
Good: Ness Takes on Restaurant Suggestion
TripAdvisor brought you reviews to help you make decisions about travel, Nileguide added depth of information, added custom guides, now Ness is adding the personal touch. It seems the search for highly relevant search is not over yet, at least not in travel. Ness Search – Job One: Restaurants Ness Computing seems to have made good […]