We offer you today 7 hotel booking apps for iPhone and iPad, hand picked by Argophilia Travel News staff, ideal for business and leisure travelers alike.
iPad apps
Foursquare on Steroids: Grafetee’s Mobile App
Launched early in 2012, Grafetee is a smart location-based mobile app designed for people to both bookmark (they call it Worldmarking) and share real places, as well as for websites to display useful content when others are looking for it. All free and all via smart devices.
Ten Great Travel Apps for the iPad 3
Coinciding with the launch of the Apple iPad 3 this month, Skyscanner has put together a ‘top ten list’ of their favorite apps for the iOS platform that no traveler can do without. While Skyscanner is naturally in amongst them, the brains behind the flexible flight search app can be forgiven for they certainly know what they’re talking about.