A European Travel Commission (ETC) report, “European Tourism: Trends & Prospects” tells of consumer demand outweighs other factors in 2023.
Europe vacations
EU Plan Leaves Saving Summer Vacations to the Member States
The EU has published key guidelines to help member states save summer vacations, but most feel they’ve been left to their own devices.
“On the Beach” Says Vacations Abroad are Cheaper Than UK Holidays
“On the Beach” Says Vacations Abroad are Cheaper Than UK Holidays.
Travel Europe Your Own Way with Osabus
Osabus gives you the freedom to explore Europe your own way paired with the comfort of a trusted transport partner.
Sterling Value Gives Europe Vacations Sense
According to a report from Insuremore, the effects of a strong pound are being felt in the European travel market. Over the last twelve months, according to the news, the average price of family holidays in Europe have plummeted.