The small town of Kyzyl in Russia is appealing for many reasons. Its location in the exact geographic center of Asia places is it almost 4000 kilometers away from the Russian capital. Surrounded by the wide steppe of the Tuva republic, the taiga fauna and the dramatic landscapes of the Sayan Mountains in the north, as well as […]
Singapore Switches Off Early For Earth Hour
Singaporeans are ready to embrace Earth Hour at 8.30pm tonight. Perhaps more than anyone else, they can readily appreciate the virtues of air conditioning, with the tropical city state typically experiencing temperatures of above 30˚C throughout the year. Anyone who does switch off for Earth Hour is making a big, but definitely worthwhile sacrifice.
Vietnam’s Tet Holiday Bonanza Causes Chaos
Travel agents and tour companies inside Vietnam are overwhelmed with clients who want to take advantage of the new Tet holiday. The government’s late announcement took the industry by surprise as government employees learned of additional time off for the New Year. A bookings bonanza there is turning into a booking nightmare.