TUI and the regional administration of Altai Krae have signed agreements for open cooperation in developing domestic tourism in the Siberian region. According to the news from the regional capital of Barnaul, TUI is to participate in the development of tourism infrastructure.
To Russia With Love on Valentine’s Day
If the cliche romantic destinations have left you bored to tears the last few years, here’s some suggestions for spending Valentine’s Day 2016 with some real sex appeal. Travel like Bond, James Bond in From Russia With Love, only in the opposite direction. Here’s a brief selections of upcoming deals on the most romantic day of the year.
Welcome to Russia Really Does Welcome Tourists
Argophilia Travel News continues coverage of the Russian Federation’s initiatives to expand their travel and tourism industry. An interview with a top travel business executive reveals much about Russia’s road to parity in travel, as well as the nature of Russia’s industry. Expanded travel choices within Russia appear to be right around the corner.