The Czech Tourism Authority has announced one of the world’s largest carousels, coming to Bohemian Plzeň, the upcoming Capital of Culture for 2015. Next year’s rich tapestry of cultural events kicks off early with this great beer city’s offering of one of France’s biggest carousels, Le Manège Carré Sénart, and a giant puppet extravaganza.

Courtesy Czech Tourism
Beginning in January, Plzeň will present some 50 plus large shows dedicated to the uniqueness of this place in Europe. Along with 600 smaller shows, the city famous worldwide for Pilsner beer, transforms into a cultural destination for all Europe. Already the city has seen new venues dot the landscape there in western Czech Republic, opera to street circus and beyond, the city is ramping up to a warm welcome.
As a preview of the opening ceremony of the Plzeň 2015 project, famous Swiss acrobat David Dimitri (below) will headline that event.
For more information on the coming Plzeň events, readers should visit the links provided, the official Pilsen website, or contact directly:
Barbora Skokanova
Travel Trade Manager CzechTourism Los Angeles