The Region of Crete, Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH), and the University of Crete have accepted the 4-star designation of the European Commission for health and wellness innovation.
The award indicates the highest possible achievement and is part of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. Crete’s Governor, Stavros Arnaoutakis, responded to the award for active and healthy aging innovation by saying:
“The strong social footprint of our interventions on active and healthy aging, has now been recognized at the level of the European Union. The fact that the constructive cooperation of the Region with the University of Crete and Foundation for Research and Technology, is an effective and horizontal system intervention for people of the third age, makes us all very proud.”
The initiative spotlights regions, cities, integrated hospitals, or care organizations and their quadruple helix partners from industry, civil society, academia, and government authorities that focus on a comprehensive, innovation-based approach to active and healthy aging.
Crete’s distinction comes about after years of delivering creative and workable solutions that improve the lives and health of older people and the whole community. It also highlights actions that promote innovation and address the challenges of healthcare provision for the elderly.
This so-called coalition of FORTH includes the Region of Crete, the 7th Health Region of Crete, the Municipality of Heraklion, and collaborations with academic institutions, businesses, and civil society at the regional level.