TripIt is without a doubt one of the most useful travel tools yet developed. But, can this fairly limited tool, regardless how slick, remain atop the travel app list forever? With an increased user base via Hotwire TripIt has so far fended off all competition, but one slip is all it will take for the next big thing to steamroll this startup. The larger question is, “Can simple modular applications be stand alone monetization models?”
Travel Technology
Dopplr – Almost Off the Radar Now
Dopplr was one of the world’s most innovative and useful online travel tools. Since the Nokia acquisition however, a lot has changed apparently. The site has seen very few noticeable updates, and the user base seems to have fallen off drastically in the last few months. Can Dopplr achieve its former glossy appearance, or is it destined for the “dead pool”?
Where to Find the Best Travel Deals – Whodathunkit?
Argophilia takes a look at the cutting edge of online travel platforms. Today Besttraveldeals comes into view with a community determined to find the best travel prices and value. Despite the site’s community nature, the model does have its drawbacks.
Once A Boy Cried Tripwolf – Softly
Tripwolf is one of the most complete and useful online travel tools in the world. With its new iPhone and Facebook integration the service should be at the top of the travel booking heap, but somehow it is not. Regardless, Tripwolf is a complete online travel experience, maybe even the best one yet.
Travel the World on Route66 – Uh – World66
World66 has been a key player in the online travel game for some time. But the cluttered interface and limited user value now call for a major upgrade if the site is to gain traction again.
Travelport to Integrate and Reorganize Channels
Travelport announces new integration features as the company gets a new lease on life from investors. Travelport’s leading edge GDS technology is in need of an update, as worldwide travel becomes far more competitive. Blackstone Group’s reservation portal forgoes $2.6 billion in mature loans for now. Will the company integrate and expand its global business?
Kukunu Is Travel, Who Knew?
Ryan Cox reviews Kukunu, a travel startup of 2010 – promising, yet still far behind what it could become.
Is Expedia More Than Just a Jingle
Is a trustworthy site? Ryan Cox, Argophilia’s travel tech expert, believes it is. What do you think? Share your experience!
Easy Does It, Easy Voyage Gains Traction
Jean-Pierre Nadir is CEO of one of Europe’s fastest growing online travel startups. With billions at stake in online travel revenues, Nadir is rapidly closing ground between his closest competitors TripAdvisor and Zoover. With acquisitions in the air, can Nadir overtake those beleaguered giants with a few swift buyouts?
New Google Travel Rumors, Buy Bid On Opodo
Rumors are about suggesting Google may be in the market for online travel portal Opodo. If the news that Amadeus is selling one of its travel units are true, a bidding war between some key financial and online travel players may ensue. Google’s ITA transaction has many people concerned that the Internet giant may dominate the online travel game.
Morten Lund to Kick Off WITovation Entrepreneur Bootcamp
Innovation in online travel is powered by ideas and technology. Key investor Morten Lund is scheduled to kick off the inaugural WITovation Entrepreneur Bootcamp in Singapore on October 18th. The much anticipated camp will serve as a springboard for technology innovators, as well as a think thank for the WIT conference.
Travcoa Goes Off-the-beaten-path
Travcoa has recently unveiled its 2011 Europe catalog, that will take customers to less customary destinations through Western, Central and Eastern Europe.