Best Western International has just been named a 2010 web performance Silver Award winner by Compuware Corporation. Compuware’s Best of the Web Awards revealed Best Western and several other leading companies as leading edge Internet players.
Based on Best Western’s rankings last year on the US Hotels Rooms Search Business Process benchmark (Gomez), the hotel chain was chosen for their response time, availability, and consistency. The benchmark results are shown here at the Gomez site. Best Western Chief Information Officer, Scott Gibson, had this to say about the news:
“ is our single most important tool. It enables us to maximize revenue delivery to our member hoteliers, and to provide guests with information, convenience and the assurance of a low rate guarantee.”
This is the second year Compuware has hosted their Best of the Web Awards. The awards feature all the leaders in Web and mobile performance across six industries; retail, finance, travel, media, healthcare, and government. Gomez is a performance benchmark for over 3,000 global Web and mobile entities. Bruce Reading, SVP of Compuware Application Performance Management said:
“The challenges of today’s online marketplace are significant – businesses are clamoring for more functionality faster to stay competitive, customers expect greater interactivity and speed.”
The other winners in for 2010 in travel were: Delta (Airlines Gold), Marriott (Hotel Gold), JetBlue (Mobile Gold). You can see all the other winners, as well as how Gomez measures the effectiveness of these companies by visiting the website links above and downloading their PDF white paper. The graphics in this post are courtesy that download. The video below from Compuware shows how the company “mashes” the beans out of website and mobile performance.
For more information about Best Western, contact Heather Briganti via the company’s original press release here. For further information about Compuware you can also visit their Facebook profile here.