When travelling with multiple bags, it can be difficult to handle them all and to prevent them from sliding. Gizmo Widget launched a new and interesting travel accessory: a travel luggage strap that has only positive side effects, as the site mentions, in a funny approach.
Simply put, it is a strap with two major benefits: prevents bags from sliding and maintains your luggage secure when leaving it in your hotel room. This accessory also prevents unauthorised personnel from accessing your bag at the airport and helps you identify your baggage easier.
This travel luggage strap comes in three sizes, and three colours: yellow, black and beige. The product was invented by an American, Jim Dunn, and it is made in America. As you’ll see on the official site, the product aims to resolve the common travel issue of “Sliding Bag Syndrome” and it does not require a doctor’s visit and has only positive side effects. I already mentioned their funny presentation approach ;)
Another interesting thing to notice is the comprehensive information offered by the official site. Gizmowidget.com has links to the TSA, Airlines and, to be consistent in their amusing approach, offers some travel fun as well.
Beyond the funny part though, I have to admit that I find this product to be really useful for travellers and comes at an affordable price. Definitely a product to consider!