The Keftiu, modernized by Arthur Evans as “Minoan,” are still a mystery unsolved. What happened to them?
Here’s Why You Must Visit Knossos When You Vacation on Crete
Ruins are ruins: old bricks, aged stonework, dry moss, and cracks. But, at Knossos the right mindset evokes the sublime.
Argo Suggests – The Athenian Riviera
The single greatest symbol of Greece, the one image that has adorned millions of postcards; the Parthenon, is perched high atop the plateau that gives this ancient Greek complex its name, the Acropolis. But, like the part of the proverbial iceberg visible above the water, this marvelous pinnacle is but a fraction of the glory of Greece, even touristic glory. Another more practical wonder awaits Athens visitors, what is known as the Athenian Riviera.