For the bored or down and out traveler out there, how about “inspirational travel” this Summer season? You don’t know what inspirational travel is, you say? Well, a company called Beach Tomato has launched a new online portal to inspire, and to help satisfy your wanderlust for sandy, seashore, and sunshine bliss this year. is a wide eyed beach stay showcase. Let’s look.
Sardinia Villas
5 Unbelievable Europe Vacation Rentals
Let’s face it money can’t buy love, but the stuff it does buy certainly can be lovely. And where your vacation fantasies reside, there’s obviously no reason to be oh so frugal, now is there? Actually, you may be surprised just how reasonably you can afford to holiday at some fabulous places. The list below from none other than Cristie’s, not only titillates the travel yearning, but also shows off some places you may have not known about.