On Tuesday Croatia Airlines management and the CA pilots’ union mutually agreed on a collective agreement dispute we previously reported on. While pilots may now go back to flying, the airline authorities and flight attendants still are at odds over their issues. The bottom line is, Croatia Airlines has fliers now, but no support on board for passengers, planes will probably remain grounded.
With a new collective agreement in the works, differences between Croatia Airlines’ pilots and the company seem to be over. Meanwhile, an ongoing strike of flight attendants continues. Stewards and stewardesses continue to be at odds with the airline over the company’s proposed restructuring, which basically hurts worker’s incomes. While some agencies are reporting flights may go aloft again, other sources suggest there simply are not enough support personnel to carry out airline services properly.
In other news, Croatia Airlines revealed the total cost of the strike so far at about $1.1 million US. The airlines’ website announced flights would go out on schedule starting today. There’s still no word on the flight attendant strike as of this writing. For all detailed information please call our Contact Center at + 385 1 6676 555.